Host, Path, Annotations and TLS

Annotations (--ingressannotation)

You can specify annotations to ingress when creating the HTTP trigger. If you want to disable TLS auto redirect and enable regular expression matching in NGINX Ingress Controller, you can add annotations such as:

$ fission route create --name foo \
    --url /foo --function foofn --createingress \
    --ingressannotation "" \
    --ingressannotation ""

NOTE: The format of annotation depends on the underlying ingress controller being used. You should check the respective documentation for details.

Host Rule (--ingressrule)

The format of rule is host=path, you have to give host and API endpoint path with delimiter = between them. If the rule is not provided, fission uses path specified by --url and allows requests from all hosts. For example, if you want to expose your function to the path /foobar and allow access from all hosts, you can do:

$ fission route create --name foobar --method GET --function nodejs --url "/foobar" --createingress --ingressrule "*=/foobar"

Which results in ingress definition like below:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: foobar
  namespace: fission
  - http:
      - backend:
          serviceName: router
          servicePort: 80
        path: /foobar

If you want to limit the accessibility of function to a specific hosts, specify the host rule like --ingressrule "":

  - host:
      - backend:
          serviceName: router
          servicePort: 80
        path: /foobar

NOTE: The format of rule depends on the underlying ingress controller you are using.

In case of NGINX Ingress Controller for example, to support wildcard path you need to:

  • Enable regular expression matching by adding annotation to the Ingress.
  • Specify the router URL as /foo/{bar} and set path to /foo/*. (Issue)
$ fission route create --name foo \
        --url /foo/{bar} --function foofn --createingress \
        --ingressannotation "" \
        --ingressrule "*=/foo/*"

TLS (--ingresstls)

To enable TLS termination, you need to follow the guide to create the secret that contains TLS private key and certificate. For Fission you just have to specify the secret name when creating HTTP trigger.

$ fission route create --name foo \
    --url /foo/{bar} --function foofn --createingress \
    --ingressannotation "" \
    --ingressannotation "" \
    --ingressrule "*=/foo/*"
    --ingresstls "foobartls"

For details, see PR#1325 and PR#1326.